Specialised bolt assembly machine : bolting of cylinder head covers

Copyright Lormac Automation, . Process Bolting

Automated bolting machine for the assembly of cylinder head covers for the vehicle industry.This bolting station was implemented on a manufacturing line and needed to conform to the productivity and quality requirements stipulated by the constructor.

Requirement / Assembly and control of the operation.

Automated bolting of an engine component (cylinder head cover), with operational checks at the end of the process. Integration of a bolting station on an existing production line.

Solution / An automated 9-spindle bolting machine.

Automated bolting machine for the simultaneous assembly of 9 attachment points. In order to conform to the customer’s productivity and quality constraints, Lormac designed a complete turnkey machine comprising:
  • 1 entirely automated 9 spindle bolting station
  • 1 engine referencing lift
  • 1 master bolting frequency calibration system
  • 1 RFID chip operation counter for part sleds.

The machine’s performance levels /

  • Cycle time of 24 seconds
  • Simultaneous tightening of 9 attachment bolts
  • Checking of 100% of torques and bolting angles

Further information.

Lormac’s expertise in the design of custom assembly solutions allowed them to deliver a specialised multi-spindle bolting machine and tools. The simultaneous attachment of 9 bolts provided time savings and increased the productivity of the vehicle constructor’s assembly line.

Specialised assembly machine : bolting of water pumps

Copyright Lormac Automation, . Process Bolting

Automated bolting station integrated into a production line with rapid change-out of the production run without operator intervention. The bolting machine is housed in a locked secure enclosure.

Requirement / Automated bolting of a variety of components.

The assembly machine needed to automatically bolt together several types of parts while being perfectly integrated into the existing production line. The major constraints expressed by the client vehicle constructor included flexibility and fast execution of the bolting cycle as well as operator safety.

Solution / A Scara Robot with automated bolting attachment.

In order to satisfy the specifications, Lormac proposed a turnkey solution comprising a bolting unit fed by a blower attached to a Scara multi-axis robot. The combination of a Scara industrial robot with an automated bolting unit provided speed and accuracy in the assembly operation.The robot’s fast speed provided safety during individual bolting operations and kept the line’s cycle time to 18 seconds. One of the strengths of the machine is the fact that bolts are fed into the bolting system on the fly using compressed air, a result of Lormac’s ingenuity. The choice of this technology ensured maximum productivity levels for the bolting machine. Lastly, in order to conform to the requirements for flexibility, the engineers at Lormac implemented a part-holding mask mounted on a pneumatically controlled cart. Thanks to this system changing out production runs can be done automatically.

Further information.

In order to guarantee optimal production quality levels, Lormac equipped the assembly machine with a bolt presence detection system which also checks the bolting angle and torque. The bladed bolt distribution tub protects the operator from high noise levels (maximum safety); impacts between components are similarly limited.

Manual bolting assistance station and tools

Copyright Lormac Automation, . Process Bolting

Manual assistance station for bolting together an engine component, handling 2 variations. A specialised tool provides excellent bolting accuracy and an ergonomic work station for operators.

Requirement / An assembly aid.

To make the operator’s work easier by providing an ergonomic assistance station improving accuracy and safety during the bolting process.

Solution / A manual bolting assistance installation.

Manual installation fixed to the floor providing assistance with bolting operations:
  • setting up the tightening spindle
  • referencing of components to be bolted on the tool itself

The machine’s performance levels /

  • Ergonomic unit, the effort required by the operator is drastically reduced
  • Guidance of high-precision tools, greater dexterity to reach bolting positions without problems.