Aircraft casing positioning control installation

Copyright Lormac Automation, . Process Positioning

Custom control installation designed to verify the transfer of utility pipes into the interior of an aircraft casing.The instrument makes sure there is minimum play between the tubes.

Requirement / To control the positioning of components.

The control problems arising in this application required two sets of measurements. The control installation needed to :
  • Make sure there is minimum play of “standard” tubes around theoretical points in space.
  • Allow a tube and elbow to be checked by the same instrument to verify minimum play.

Solution / Specialised control installation.

  • Development and implementation of a specialised control assembly integrating the required devices
  • The custom control installation designed by Lormac focused on the functional and ergonomic aspects of the components to be controlled
  • The instrument needed to be geometrically accurate in order to be able to precisely measure the positioning of the theoretical points

Dedicated pump body machining fixture

Copyright Lormac Automation, . Process Clamping, Machining, Positioning

Dedicated machining fixture for working vehicle parts on a palletized machine (2 palettes) two spindles. The design of this custom clamping unit made sure that a maximum number of parts could be machined on each pallet rotation and that the cycle time was optimised.

Requirement / Custom part pick-up and clamping.

Custom clamping solution adapted to the geometry of the vehicle parts and meeting constraints in terms of productivity and customer quality :
  • part positioning accuracy (two spindles),
  • effective clamping,
  • maximum size constraints,
  • machining in 5 axes with access to multiple tools.

Solutions / Dedicated machining fixture.

Design, manufacture and optimisation of dedicated machining installations for custom clamping and positioning of parts to be machined :
  • 2 x 1st OP 4 position installations, both handling 4 axis machining operations: clamping and positioning of 4 parts per tool with holes in the baseplate for pass-through machining.
  • 4 x 2nd OP 2 position installations, all handling 5 axis machining operations: clamping of 2 parts per tool.

Further information.

Lormac’s experience in the design and manufacture of dedicated machining fixtures resulted in the “staged” clamping system for the 2 parts on the satellite installation. This superimposed positioning system allowed us to circumvent that maximum authorised volume constraints included in the customer specifications. This custom adaptation of the part clamping method gives the machine maximum performance.

Machining fixture with hydraulic clamping systems

Copyright Lormac Automation, . Process Clamping, Machining, Positioning

Study, design, manufacture and optimisation of a machining fixture with hydraulic grip and holding. The installation is designed to machine the front and back faces of an aircraft casing in a single operation. Clamping is performed automatically to save time when positioning the part.

Requirement / Clamping adapted to the geometry of the part.

The customer’s specifications included several constraints requiring a dedicated machining installation with a custom grip system. The adaptation of gripping to the particular geometry of the part met the following requirements :
  • Machining of the front and back faces in a single operation using the same tool,
  • Part had “arms” which were not connected by a casing, causing problems when turning,
  • Multiple areas to be clamped,
  • Need for precise positioning.

Solution / Hydraulic machining fixture.

The fact that all skill-sets are available internally means that Lormac is autonomous and has limitless capabilities in meeting the most complex needs. The solution designed by Lormac, which was proposed and approved by the customer, was a machining fixture with hydraulic gripping and holding. The double-platform structure allows pipes to be placed between two plates so preventing retention of chips which may affect the precision of machining.The design of this custom machining installation allows stress to be placed on the arms without constraints or defamation. Internal safety system for the clamping system.

Further information.

The design of this custom unit for the clamping and positioning of an aircraft casing for machining required the incorporation of over 100 hydraulic grip cylinders.

Zero point SMED interface integrated into an ergonomic positioner

Copyright Lormac Automation, . Process Clamping, Positioning, SMED @en

Design and manufacture of several standard quick change-out models with auto-centring zero point clamping system. Custom part handling solution, integrated with the positioner for the safe change-out of all dedicated assembly tools. The turnkey solution (handler + quick change-out interface) provides productivity gains and improves ergonomics of working conditions for assembly line operators.

Requirement / Handling of large parts.

The aircraft assembly line requires large parts to be handled for riveting. In order to reduce the production series change-out time, the SMED rapid change-out solution must accelerate manufacturing rotation and minimise machinery down-time. In order to provide maximum production flexibility, the handling system can perform several specific part pick-ups. Lastly, sensors are included to manage information storage.

Solution / Standard change-out interface unit.

  • A standard zero point quick change-out interface and counter-plate in various part pick-up formats,
  • Rapid and safe change-out of dedicated tools,
  • Clamped / unclamped position management sensors,
  • A unique solution combining specialised part pick-up and an ergonomic handling unit.

Further information.

The quick change-out interface has two advantages : increased productivity and safety. The prevention of musculoskeletal disorders arising from handling heavy and large loads is one of the major ergonomic challenges for production lines. The positioner and interface reduce the effort required by the operator and make sure that the parts to be assembled are precisely positioned. The integration of a custom part pick-up solution in to a standard assembly positioner illustrates the synergies between us and Enomax, a company specialising in welding assembly support equipment.