Press fitting assembly of a water pump

Copyright Lormac Automation, . Process Press fitting

Automated assembly line for the industrial manufacture of a water pump. The production line comprised 4 digitally-controlled press-fit machines, component distribution and loading robots and end-of-process checking systems.

Requirement / To assemble components and check products.

Assembly, press fitting and testing of a new water pump.

Solution / Automated press fitting machine.

Lormac designed an automated assembly line to assemble new products. Lormac staff used their ingenuity to create an entire automated manufacturing system including :
  • Automated distribution and loading of components
  • Design of 4 specialised electric press fitting machines and tools
  • Integration of 2 transfer robots for feeding and unloading of off-line stations
  • Addition of 2 off-line automated bolting stations
  • Insertion of 2 seal testing stations
  • Implementation of a pallet transfer conveyor
The press fitting machine uses a “gooseneck” assembly process with deformation correction and strength control.

The machine’s performance levels /

  • Capacity of each press-fit machine: 50 KN
  • Feedback platform designed and patented by Lormac
  • 9 second cycle time
  • Accuracy +/- 0.03

Further information.

Since this press fitting assembly line went into operation in 2008 total down-time amounted to less than one day, proving the reliability of this solution which was entirely designed and manufactured by Lormac. Over 7 million water pumps have been produced to date with continuous production in 3 shifts.