Automated oil filling station

Copyright Lormac Automation, . Process Dosing

Automated filling station designed to fill motor gear boxes with oil.Automated dispensation through a nozzle ensures safe and accurate filling.

Requirement / To automate the filling process.

Automated filling of motors produced on an existing production line with oil.

Solution / Complete filling station.

Complete automated filling station handling the storage, treatment and dispensing of oil with several stages :
  • 1 underground station to de-contaminate the oil and maintain it at the correct temperature in a double-sided insulated stainless steel tank
  • 1 automated filling station with a buffer tank handling filtration and raising the temperature of the oil
  • 1 x 6 axis robot manipulating a special anti-drip filling nozzle designed specifically for this application

Filling station performance levels /

  • Average cycle time of 20 seconds with an accuracy of ± 10 g (mass meter), per 6 kg of oil dispensed for each motor
  • Automated processing for the various types of motor controlling the robot trajectory and information sent to the mass meter.