Electric servo-driven press-fit machine

Copyright Lormac Automation, . Process Press fitting

Electric servo-driven press-fit machine used in an industrial vehicle component production process.The assembly machine benefits from the latest innovations offered by Lormac and includes the patented digital feedback platform.

Requirement / Press fitting of car components.

Press fitting of various components for the vehicle industry including fragile parts such as bearings. One of the constraints of this application was to provide a programmable solution capable of fast production run change-outs.

Solution / Electric servo-driven machine.

Lormac’s solution was to provide an electric press-fit machine equipped with a digital feedback platform (real-time dimension transfer).

The machine’s performance levels /

  • Positioning accuracy of 0.01 mm
  • 50 kN pressure (as standard)
  • Press-fitting pressure control (value and position)
  • Capability of handling deformable and fragile parts using reference surface transfer
  • Run of 200 mm
  • Satellite spindle drives for greater longevity
  • Automatic lubrication of the spindle.