Custom welding jig

Copyright Lormac Automation, . Process Clamping, Welding

Welding jig for the assembly of a stainless steel ring in the aeronautics sector. The creation of this assembly / part pick-up support ensures that the parts are accurately positioned while welding.

Requirement / Welding assembly of large parts.

The welding jig needed to conform to two constraints : the large size of the ring and shrinkage caused by welding. The welding template was designed especially for the assembly of a large part (Ø greater than 1500).

Solution / Extendible welding jig.

The welding jig developed by Lormac integrates an extension system designed to pre-stress the ring (larger expansion Ø). This system guarantees that the correct dimensions are obtained.

Another characteristic of this specialised tool is the adaptation of a hydraulic and electrical rotating joint especially designed for this part pick-up application.